
Materials conference on copper and copper alloys

The Kupfer-Symposium is the most important German-speaking platform for a professional exchange of experience between industry and university research and one of the most important materials science events on the topic of copper. In addition to the high-quality technical presentations, participants particularly appreciate the opportunity to exchange ideas about future developments within materials technology and production engineering and to define new research approaches. The event offers research institutes, universities and industry the opportunity to intensify dialogue and optimise cooperation.

Since 2019, the Kupfer-Symposium has alternated annually with the international Copper Alloys conference.

This year, the Kupfer-Symposium took place on 24 and 25 November in cooperation with the “Otto Schott Institute for Materials Research” (OSIM), a cross-faculty institute of the Physical-Astronomical Faculty and the Chemical-Geosciences Faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the largest university and the only full university in the Free State of Thuringia. Research focuses on the correlation between the structure and properties of different classes of materials as a function of their synthesis and application conditions. The Chair of Metallic Materials located there focuses its research on alloy development, characterisation of microstructure and properties of metallic materials, microstructure formation (phase transformations liquid/solid and solid/solid) and internal and external interfaces.

This year’s symposium offered an exciting programme covering the topics of materials design, nano and surface technology, manufacturing technology and process monitoring, additive manufacturing and joining technology. Renowned speakers from research and industry provided information on the latest applications, processes and research results on copper materials.

This year, for the first time, prizes were also awarded to the best three posters presented at the Kupfer-Symposium. The following parameters were evaluated: scientific content, implementation and design.

The following three posters won:

  • 1st place:  Advanced Surface Research in the International Space Station – The effects of surface topography on microorganisms    (Daniel Wyn Müller, Saarland University)
  • 2nd place: Additive manufacturing of pure copper using selective electron beam melting – process, microstructure and properties (Florian Häslich, Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden)
  • 3rd place: Surface roughness in mechanically loaded copper conductors (Philipp Baron, Trier University of Applied Sciences; Philipp Lenz, University of Erlangen)

The sponsorship prize was not awarded in 2021.

When curiosity is directed towards serious things, it is called thirst for knowledge

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Innovation Award of the Kupferverband

Every year at the Kupfer-Symposium, the Innovation Award of the Kupferverband is awarded for outstanding and innovative scientific work on copper.  Submissions are accepted until 30 September of the current year.

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